Traveling in Jordan again

For the past week I have been traveling in Jordan with long-time traveling friend Leon Mauldin on a personal study trip. We enjoy these trips going to places that  we miss during regular tours. That is because some of the places are difficult to reach and would have little interest to the first-time traveler to the Bible Lands. It sometimes takes us half a day to locate a place and visit it.

The tourist folks in Jordan like to call their country “the other Holy Land.” Not only did Jesus visit this area but it was often the area of travel for the patriarchs, prophets, and kings of ancient Israel.

Today we visited the Jabbok River a few miles east of the Valley Road (Roman Perea) and Deir Allah. This is thought by some to be the place where Jacob met his brother Esau on the return from Padan Aram. See Genesis 32 for the full story). This photo will give you some idea of the terrain and the small river, now called the Zarka.

The Jabbok River east of the River Jordan. Near here Jacob a life-changing encounter with the LORD. Photo by Ferrell Jenkins.

The Jabbok River east of the River Jordan. Near here Jacob had a life-changing encounter with the LORD. Photo by Ferrell Jenkins.

4 responses to “Traveling in Jordan again

  1. We have been trying to figure out how to get there on our Israel trip in a week – mind sharing the access route?

  2. My last organized tour was in 2016. Due to some family circumstances I do not have the time to do so. This was a personal study tour to places that most groups do not visit.

  3. Thank you for the picture and posting! From the picture, it does look like it would be rough terrain for a large family (2 wives, their hand maidens, 12 children) and livestock! I can understand why Jacob would turn down Esau’s request to travel together stating that traveling with his family and livestock would take time. Are you still taking tours to the Bible Land?
    — Steve Moreland

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